Want to Learn Astrology? Astrology is a beautiful tool to understand your energy flow and how you can use it to better your life and others. We offer Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Online Courses in Astrology. These Courses are taught in an live online format where you can interact and discuss with other students.
Starting in February 2018
Fundamentals of Astrology Webinar - good place to learn the basics...
About Manda Selva

Manda Selva,C.A.,NCGR-PAA
I am a NCGR Certified (National Center of Geocosmic Research) astrologer with many years of experience in astrological consulting. Teaching astrology is my passion. Listed here are the courses offered currently or in the near future. Click on the courses to get more information on the curriculum. More Details about my background, teaching philosophy and contact Information
Featured Posts

Jupiter Transit in Libra in 2016
Welcoming Jupiter’s entrance to Libra on September 9, 2016 until October 10, 2017: Jupiter is the planet of abundance, luck and sometimes the one that pushes us into taking risks, which is fine as long as it is done with balance. And Libra is the sign of balance and harmony and together they could make a good pair, with the right amount of push to get along with others, the right words to mend many years of enemity, the right touch of color to bring light to a dark space, or the just the amount of luck that is needed to get that job. Whatever you need for the next year or so, Jupiter can be a strong force to make it happen with a bit of charm and diplomacy. Jupiter is a stroke of luck but you need to exert that willpower to get it working for you. So put on that smile and go for it. As always, ...
Astrology Insignt for January 2017
This is a very dynamic month with a lot of support available to release old patterns of thinking and acting that no longer serve you and to welcome new ways of being guided by compassion. Mercury stations to turn direct on January 7th and it is interesting to note there all other planets are direct too for the rest of the month. This does not happen frequently and indicates a time when the energy is ripe for moving forward on things that you have planned in the past months. For most part of January 2017, Venus, Mars and Neptune will be in the sign of Pisces, which is essentially about compassion, inspiration and transcending the mundane boundaries to merge with the higher power. There will be an aura of “live and let be” with lesser need to judge others. Venus has a special link to Pisces. According to a myth, when an egg fell into the Euphrates River, the fish rolled ...Testimonials for Students and Clients
A remarkable predictive astrologer. I stumbled upon Manda after having read her intriguing article on Yods. I signed up for a reading with her however, I had no major expectations about the reading, as multiple astrologers, in the past, continued to disappoint me, leaving with nothing vital to hold on to. But soon after Manda started her consultation, she was advising and delivering me information that was USABLE, USEFUL , ACCURATE and PRACTICAL . Manda had a great structure to her reading, addressed the key areas to the point. Most importantly Manda gave me the exact time lines of certain events with great confidence. This predictive aspect, many astrologers would conveniently …
“I highly recommend Manda’s astrology courses. I took her classes as part of my masters program in sound healing. Her teaching style is unique, fun, compassionate, and her knowledge of the subject just wowed me! “