A Little Background: My involvement with astrology goes way back — more than 30 years ago – when I first got introduced to astrology through my granddad. . For the past 20 years, I have passionately pursued learning astrology and completed NCGR (National Center for Geocosmic Research) Level IV certification to become a certified astrologer. In my prior life, I worked as a environmental scientist and then got my Masters in Social Work. Due to my background in science, I like evidence and research based astrology. I submitted my first research to NCGR in 2007 about lottery winners and then later on accident victims and school shootings. My main interest lies in Psychological Astrology and Uranian/Midpoint Astrology. I mainly practice astrology based on my observation and research, and not just on books and hearsay. I currently live in San Francisco Bay Area.
My philosophy on Astrology:: Although I am pretty scientific in how I learn and teach astrology, I also believe that Astrology is a guide map and is a connection between our material world and the higher spiritual realm. It shows us the choices we have in order for our souls to evolve. Astrology has given me a rationale to hold on to in times of confusion and an understanding in times of pain. It is a pretty accurate road map of the choices we have at any particular time, and an idea of what Universe expects out of them. Once you understand this body of knowledge, it is easier to walk through life with more clarity, both through pain and joy. Here are Shakespeare’s words on the connection between life and drama, from the play “As you Like it”
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and their entrances,…”
Likewise, the planets are the actors, and when the time comes, they are pushed to play out their part, through transits and progressions. However, even within the drama of life, Astrology is not fatalistic or deterministic – it is probabilistic. In certain times there are more chance of certain things happening. How much an astrologically good period is favorable really depends on how a person exerts their own willpower in using this time to their advantage.
Teaching: My teaching is mainly based on concepts of psychological astrology like archetypes, although I also use some evolutionary concepts like karma and soul development. I use real life examples and guide you to come up with your interpretation. Although I will give you certain traditional rules that apply to astrology, my teaching is not based on rules. My hope is that as you start practicing astrology, you will keep those rules that makes sense to you and let go of others. I encourage student participation and sharing of personal experience in relation to their chart. (However, very specific personal details like where the person lives, their address, age, where they work, etc ‘,preferable should be kept private), and all are expected to respect the confidentiality of other students and teachers.
Astrology Reading: I consult through skype, email, phone or in person. You can contact me at writetomanda@yahoo.com. You can either get a full reading or a short reading. My main expertise include helping with chart compatibility or synastry, potential for love and marriage, career/ vocational counseling, astrocartography (specific locations that are more suitable than others), and using astrological midpoints, asteroids to get more detailed information on your chart. I see the chart as a tool to understand how energy flows in you – your Qi. This way we can discuss what can be done to balance and harmonize your energy. I started out as a Vedic astrologer but then branched off to Western Astrology or Tropical Astrology. I use all techniques that work. If it doesn’t work based on my experience then its not going to be part of my toolbox.
Full Reading and Short Readings: A full reading includes description of different dynamics involved in your chart, your strength, skills, challenges, solutions to overcome difficulty, and up to 1 to 2 years of prediction. This can not only increase you awareness of who you are but how you can plan your life. Shorter reading usually focuses on specific issues you are experiencing currently. It could be a question on your relationship, your career, your health issues, a project you are about to begin, good dates for starting a business, wedding, etc.
Astrology Blog : I consistently write articles on different aspects of astrology. Please checkout my blog at Astromanda.com.
Contact: You can write to me at WritetoManda@yahoo.com for consultation or get more information on the classes.